Elena Wiener

Film Editing  —  Motion Design — Animation


12.7.24 - 20.7.24
Film- und Fotografieausstellung
Alte Mühle Adelsheim



2019 - now
works as free filmmaker and media designer
in Cologne and Freiburg (i. Brsg.)

2020 - 2022
/ media designer at University Library Freiburg (media centre) and University of Freiburg as part of the research group “heroes – heroizing - heroism”
/ creates concept, web design, multimedia content (film, podcast, photography...) for a public online presence for archiving and presenting research results

2015 - 2020
/ design of audiovisual media and mediadesign/technics
/ Bergische Universität Wuppertal (BUW), Germany.
/ degree: bachelor of arts

2011 - 2014
/ history of arts / applied culture studies
/ Institute of Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe, Germany.
/ degree: bachelor of arts

born in Buchen (1991), Germany.

awards &screenings

Trübes Wasser / Troubled Water

Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen 2021 - Promotional Prize of the NRW-Competition
Filmfest Dresden 2021 - National Competition - Special Mention Youth Jury

Interfilm 2021 Istanbul International Experimental Film Festival 2021
Kinofest Lünen 2021
Europäisches Filmfestival Göttingen 2021
Kinoproba 2021
Film and Media festival of Eszterházy Károly University 2021
cellu l'art 2021
Filmfestival Münster 2021
Alexandre Trauner ART/Film Festival 2021
Filmkunstfest MV 2021
indepdendent days - Internationale Filmfestspiele Karlsruhe 2021
filmzeit kaufbeuren 2021
Insomnia 2021
Tricky Women/ Tricky Realities 2021
Filmfest Bremen 2021
Sehsüchte 2021
Bundesfestival Junger Film 2021
Rare Disease Filmfestival 2021
Athens Animfest 2021
Cinanima 2020
Ajayu 2020
Balkanima 2020
cinemaway 2020

Dutch Wife
40. Filmfestival Max-Ophüls-Preis 2019, Mittellanger Spielfilm, Co-Regie

jung&abgedreht, youth short film festival hanau 2016
2nd place: aged 19-27.
special award by zonta international / zonta club of hanau
- empowering woman through service & advocacy

girls go movie festival 2016, mannheim